Having been employed from 1994-2001 as a Court Psychologist for Broward County, Dr. Winick became well versed in the many nuances involved in skillfully completing psychological consultation and evaluation within the legal system. Dr. Winick began to conduct forensic psychology consultation as part of his private practice in 2000. His experience includes expert witness testimony, completion of written psychological reports, and critical review of forensic reports submitted by other mental health professionals. In addition, in his clinical practice, Dr. Winick's cases have often included legal issues such as sexual harassment, workmen's compensation, and domestic violence.

Dr. Winick remains up to date on current research pertaining to the interface of psychology and the legal system. In addition, he conducts a research review pertaining to each specific case. Thus, Dr. Winick always makes reference to the pertinent literature when writing a forensic psychological evaluation report. Furthermore, when appropriate, Dr. Winick utilizes empirically based psychological tests when completing an evaluation. Related to these issues, Dr. Winick's conclusions are not based solely on experience or subjective opinions.

Dr. Winick completes a wide variety of forensic psychological evaluations including violence risk assessment, sentencing (treatment needs) evaluations, competency to stand trial evaluations, mental state at the time of the offense evaluations, child custody evaluations, and termination of parental rights evaluations. Dr. Winick is also able to complete forensic evaluations which, since they are less frequently utilized, will not be specifically outlined. Please feel free to contact Dr. Winick with any questions about what would constitute an appropriate forensic psychological evaluation with any specific legal case.

Dr. Winick is able to provide various forensic consultation services on a nationwide basis. In the South Florida area, Dr. Winick can arrange to provide expert witness testimony in Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach county court.

Dr. Winick can provide consultation by telephone including document review to individuals in other parts of the United States. These services can benefit both attorneys and psychologists. For example:

  1. Dr. Winick will read the forensic reports of other psychologists and provide feedback to them before they submit the forensic report. Content of feedback can center around appropriately applying the psychological findings to the particular legal standard.

  2. Long distance consultation with attorneys can include reading reports, depositions and/or testimony by other psychologists and providing feedback as to the strengths and weaknesses of the particular presentations.

There are many other possible areas in which Dr. Winick can provide long distance consultation. Please contact Dr. Winick for feedback about addressing particular issues.

In order to utilize Dr. Winick's forensic consultation services, please leave an e-mail for Dr. Winick describing the nature of the consultation. Dr. Winick will leave a return e-mail outlining his approach to the issues, an estimate of the amount of hours necessary to complete the project, and an estimate of the amount of days until the work will be completed. In addition, Dr. Winick will include, as an attachment to the e-mail, a Terms of Agreement Letter and a Terms of Engagement Contract. If you have questions or concerns about these documents, contact Dr. Winick so that the issues can be resolved. Sign the Terms of Agreement Letter and return it to Dr. Winick along with any documents for review. Dr. Winick will respond through e-mail, overnight mail, and/or telephone within the time parameters agreed upon at the onset of the consultation relationship.

Payment is due, by check, in advance. If Dr. Winick has overestimated the amount of time required for the project, a refund check for the remaining portion will be issued. If Dr. Winick has underestimated the time required for the project, the remainder will be due at the completion of the consultation. Dr. Winick will always provide a breakdown of the time spent on activities related to the case.

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© 2014 Dr. Charles B. Winick, Psy.D.